Sintrol S304QAL D/L

Sintrol S304QAL D/L

The S304QAL series instruments are designed to accurately detect dust leakages or to monitor filter performance in highly demanding industrial processes.

  • QAL certified for Filter Leakage Monitor and Filter Dust Monitor - Conforms to EN 15859:2010 for reliable performance.
  • Quick and Easy Installation - One-sided setup with no alignment needed.
  • Advanced Technology - Inductive Electrification for accurate Total Suspended Particle (TSP) measurement, minimizing sensor contamination and temperature drift.
  • Low Maintenance - No consumables, minimal cleaning required, and automatic zero/span checks.
  • User-Friendly Interface - Local display with status indication and unique Auto-Setup for seamless commissioning.
  • Versatile Output Options, Relay output (S304QAL-L), Isolated 4–20 mA output (S304QAL-D)
  • Process Adaptability - Operates in harsh conditions with options for air purge and high-temperature connectors (up to 700°C)

These instruments are ideal for applications such as Filter Leak Detection, Optimising Filter Performance and Preventive Maintenance for Filtration Systems. 

Its cutting-edge Inductive Electrification Technology ensures precision and reliability in detecting Total Suspended Particles (TSP) after dust arrestment plants.   

These monitors operate by detecting the interaction between dust particles and an isolated probe installed within a duct or stack. As particles move past or collide with the probe, they induce an electrical signal. This signal is processed through advanced algorithms to filter out noise, ensuring an accurate measurement of dust concentration. 

The use of Inductive Electrification Technology, which focuses on the AC signal generated by particle interaction, minimises the effects of sensor contamination, temperature fluctuations, and changes in gas velocity. This approach enhances measurement reliability and allows for detection limits as low as 0.01 mg/m³. 

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