Results 49 - 60 / 180

Synspec Alpha 115 Methane/TNMHC Analyser

An analyser for mid-range air measurement of methane and total non-methane hydrocarbons (TMHC) in cities and industrial areas

Synspec GC955 118 Methane/THC

An analyser for fast, accurate analysis of methane and other hydrocarbons

Synspec GC955 810 Mercaptan Analyser

A highly accurate analyser for measuring Sulfur compounds in the ambient air

Synspec GC955 611/811 Ozone Precursor Analyser

An analyser for measurement of hydrocarbon ozone precursors in ambient air

Durag D-R 320 MCERTS Scattered Light Continuous Emissions Monitor

A scattered light continuous emissions monitor designed for monitoring small to medium dust concentrations

Durag D-R 300 MCERTS Scattered Light Continuous Emissions Monitor

A scattered light continuous emissions monitor design for applications in dust process measurement

Durag D-R 290 MCERTS Continuous Emissions Monitor

An optical opacity continuous emissions monitor designed for a variety of measurement applications

Sintrol Vulcan Thermal Imaging Series

A series of thermal cameras which have been designed to monitor temperature and combustion processes of lime kilns and recovery boilers

Sintrol E-SPY

A probe-based dust monitor that uses state-of-the-art technology to optimise the performance of an ESP

Sintrol S303 Dust Monitor

A continuous trend monitor which allows you to see the performance of filtration systems and ducts over a period of time

Sintrol S201 Dust Guard

A dust monitor that allows you to easily identify bag leaks and recognise filter deterioration

Sintrol S304 Emissions Monitor

A highly accurate emissions monitor which can be calibrated to provide readings in mg/m3 for actual emissions amounts