AirPhoton AeroExplorer Sampling Station

AirPhoton AeroExplorer Sampling Station

A robust sampling system for real-time user-programmable measurement of aerosols and gases

  • Switch between different aerosol size measurements and collect different samples onto 8 separate internal filters
  • Compact and robust design for long-term remote operation under harsh conditionss
  • Denuder options for trace gas analysis (e.g. NH₃, NOx, SO₂, VOCs)
  • Easy and contamination free sample collection
  • Impactor inlet with adjustable flow rate allows measurement of multiple size channels
  • Monitoring by wind direction for enhanced accuracy
  • Can be integrated with AirPhoton Nephelometers, supplementing collected filter samples with real-time data from tandem optical measurements

How it works

The AeroExplorer’s abilities to switch between different aerosol size measurements (e.g. PM10 & PM2.5) using an impactor inlet with a variable flow rate, and to collect different samples (e.g. from different days of the week) onto 8 separate internal filters, make it unique.

Aerosol sizes for sampling can be selected using either standard inlets or cyclone inlets for a more sharply defined size cutoff.

The aerosols collected for later analysis are preserved within a cartridge assembly. The cartridge can be configured to collect all samples on a single filter or to use a two-stage filter which further divides the particles into fine and coarse size ranges. The cartridge is mailed intact for analysis virtually eliminating contamination issues.

The AirPhoton AeroExplorer Sampling Station allows you to measure aerosols in real-time using an optional three wavelength integrating nephelometer.

The AirPhoton Nephelometer and the Sampling Station are separate, stand-alone products which can be combined together.

AirPhoton has also recently added the ability to sample gases such as NH₃ by integrating different denuders.


Flexible Cartridge Assembly: The aerosols collected for later analysis are safely preserved within a customisable cartridge assembly. This assembly can be configured to collect all samples on a single filter or use a two-stage filter, further segregating particles into fine and coarse size ranges. 

Contamination-Free Analysis: Worried about contamination issues? The entire cartridge is mailed intact for analysis, eliminating any potential contamination concerns and ensuring the integrity of your results


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